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Is Pu erh tea a white tea?

Is Pu erh tea a white tea?

Is Pu erh tea a white tea?

The world of tea is rich and diverse, and there are many misconceptions about the different varieties out there. One of the questions often asked is whether Pu erh tea is actually a type of white tea. The short answer is no. Pu erh tea is a unique category of tea, native to Yunnan province in China, and is known for its fermentation process and rich, earthy flavor[1].


What makes Pu erh unique?

Pu erh tea undergoes a special fermentation process, which sets it apart from other teas such as white, green and black tea[2]. This process creates a deep, robust flavor and gives the tea its distinctive dark color. The fermentation process of Pu erh can be natural, which is known as raw or sheng Pu erh, or it can be artificially accelerated, resulting in ripened or shou Pu erh.


What about white tea?

It is made from the young leaves and buds of the tea plant and is minimally processed, retaining its delicate flavor and light color[3]. White tea does not undergo fermentation like Pu erh, so it retains its subtle, fresh quality.


Order Pu erh tea

Are you intrigued by the unique taste and rich heritage of Pu erh tea? Experience it for yourself and buy high quality Pu erh tea at Leaves With Hugs.






  1. Roberts, E. A. H., & Wood, D. J. (1950). The fermentation process in tea manufacture. 11. Oxidation of substrates by tea oxidase. Biochemical Journal47(2), 175.
  2. Taylerson, K. (2012). The health benefits of tea varieties from Camellia sinensis. The Plymouth Student Scientist. 5(1). p. 304-312.
  3. Dias, T. R., Carrageta, D. F., Alves, M. G., Oliveira, P. F., & Silva, B. M. (2019). White tea. In Nonvitamin and nonmineral nutritional supplements (pp. 437-445). Academic Press.


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