

Global Tea Hut Event:


Global tea hut is a tea magazine that gets sent 4 times a year. It promotes sustained agriculture and good quality tea.
In this event we will share and discuss the teas sent in the global teahut magazine as well as reading the magazine together.

You don't have to be a Global tea hut member or have any tea knowledge about the to join in.

We will sit on the floor on meditation cushions. So it is good to wear something comfortable. Blankets and meditation pillows are provided. But if you want to bring your favorite blanket/pillow/teddybear with you, please do so.

It is very useful for us to know how many people are attending before setting up. So if you put yourself on 'Going' for a tea ceremony, please make sure you can make it. And if you can't make it, please set yourself on 'Not going' as soon as possible or send us a message. This way other people can sign up and we don't have to wait for people who won't show up before we can begin.

All our ceremonies are donation based. That means they are free of charge and you get to decide yourself how much you can/are willing to give back. We have a donation tin in the hallway of our appartment for this purpose. It is important to us that no one feels pressured to donate anything they cannot part with. And at the same time, your support will keep the tea flowing for future ceremonies. This 'freedom of exchange' is essential to the spirit of the tea ceremonies, which makes it possible for us to really receive you as an honored guest and come together as friends. It helps to maintain the open space that the tea ceremony provides, which is an essential part of why the tea ceremony can be such a powerful tool.

If you want to join this event, send us a message trough our contact form. Add with how many you want to join and at what date (check our agenda for dates)